Getting started


Once you have installed, you’re ready to instantiate an API client to start interacting with the LXD daemon on localhost:

>>> from pylxd import Client
>>> client = Client()

If your LXD instance is listening on HTTPS, you can pass a two part tuple of (cert, key) as the cert argument.

>>> from pylxd import Client
>>> client = Client(
...     endpoint='',
...     cert=('/path/to/client.crt', '/path/to/client.key'))

Note: in the case where the certificate is self signed (LXD default), you may need to pass verify=False.

Querying LXD

LXD exposes a number of objects via its REST API that are used to orchestrate containers. Those objects are all accessed via manager attributes on the client itself. This includes certificates, containers, images, networks, operations, and profiles. Each manager has methods for querying the LXD instance. For example, to get all containers in a LXD instance

>>> client.containers.all()
[<container.Container at 0x7f95d8af72b0>,]

For specific manager methods, please see the documentation for each object.

pylxd Objects

Each LXD object has an analagous pylxd object. Returning to the previous client.containers.all example, a Container object is manipulated as such:

>>> container = client.containers.all()[0]

Each pylxd object has a lifecycle which includes support for transactional changes. This lifecycle includes the following methods and attributes:

  • sync() - Synchronize the object with the server. This method is called implicitly when accessing attributes that have not yet been populated, but may also be called explicitly. Why would attributes not yet be populated? When retrieving objects via all, LXD’s API does not return a full representation.
  • dirty - After setting attributes on the object, the object is considered “dirty”.
  • rollback() - Discard all local changes to the object, opting for a representation taken from the server.
  • save() - Save the object, writing changes to the server.

Returning again to the Container example

>>> container.config
{ 'security.privileged': True }
>>> container.config.update({'security.nesting': True})
>>> container.dirty
>>> container.rollback()
>>> container.dirty
>>> container.config
{ 'security.privileged': True }
>>> container.config = {'security.privileged': False}
>>>  # The object is now saved back to LXD

A note about asynchronous operations

Some changes to LXD will return immediately, but actually occur in the background after the http response returns. All operations that happen this way will also take an optional wait parameter that, when True, will not return until the operation is completed.

UserWarning: Attempted to set unknown attribute “x” on instance of “y”

The LXD server changes frequently, particularly if it is snap installed. In this case it is possible that the LXD server may send back objects with attributes that this version of pylxd is not aware of, and in that situation, the pylxd library issues the warning above.

The default behaviour is that one warning is issued for each unknown attribute on each object class that it unknown. Further warnings are then surpressed. The environment variable PYLXD_WARNINGS can be set to control the warnings further:

  • if set to none then all warnings are surpressed all the time.
  • if set to always then warnings are always issued for each instance returned from the server.